March 31, 2006
Fantasy come true
From Pratt Hobbies, the
Surface to Idiot Missile.
Disclaimer: It's a sad but true fact that in today's world it must be explicitely stated that it's a joke. *sigh*
Posted by: Ted at
09:58 PM | category: Links
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"It's a sad but true fact that in today's world it must be explicitely stated that it's a joke".
Posted by: Russ at March 31, 2006 11:40 PM (ObxzR)
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March 23, 2006
Bummer times two
Jennifer hangs it up.
The guys down at Whitakers, North Carolina lost their flying field. It's not actually lost, it's just been turned into a corn field without prior notice.
Posted by: Ted at
04:41 PM | category: Links
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I was almost this sad when Sanity's Edge went under, ok, maybe a little more, but Jen will be missed!
Posted by: Oorgo at March 23, 2006 05:25 PM (lM0qs)
Sorry about you losing yer blog buddy,Ted.You gave a great interview over there.As for the field that really blows........for them anyhow.On a positive note perhaps some of them will show up at Battlepark for the spring launch.Plus,maybe we'll get to keep Ken for the whole weekend.He was just gonna drop stuff off on his way to Whitakers.Hope it doesn't sound too greedy but that works for me because I am putting my L1 cert off until then.I foolishly assumed we would have nice enough weather to lay down paint on my Forte'.While she is built and can fly as is and all I really would like to paint her up.Like I always say;"If yer gonna fuck up you may as well look good doin' it!"
Posted by: Russ at March 23, 2006 06:52 PM (ObxzR)
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March 18, 2006
Pratt Hobbies Blog (aka "All the cool kids are doing it")
My friend Doug Pratt has started a rocketry blog, and named it, appropriately enough,
Pratt Hobbies Blog. It will soon be on the sidebar.
He's off to a great start, including a post about how the BATFE is reacting to their recent smackdown by the Federal courts regarding rocket motors. Short answer: they are not taking it well, and it seems that the retaliation against the hobby has started. Read more over at Doug's blog, and, like most of us, he wanders off onto other topics as the fancy takes him. Check it out.
Posted by: Ted at
05:58 PM | category: Rocketry Resources
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Whoa! I didn't expect such a fanfare...and in big type too. Tanks,'re my inspiration.
Posted by: Doug Pratt at March 18, 2006 07:33 PM (ia2zV)
LOL I have no idea what happened, but when I put the rocket doggie banner up top, it completely hosed my template.
Uh, I mean, yeah, your blog got the big type treatment, because it's worth it.
Posted by: Ted at March 18, 2006 08:43 PM (+OVgL)
Well, don't feel like the Lone Stranger. Something is hosed on the new blog, too. For some reason the messages are spaced down the page and don't start until after the sidebar. I've emailed customer support at Hostway, which has been very good in the past.
Posted by: Doug Pratt at March 18, 2006 09:19 PM (ia2zV)
Must be an IE thing, because it looks fine in Firefox.
Posted by: Ted at March 19, 2006 12:04 AM (+OVgL)
Yeah, I tried it late last night with Firefox and it works. This morning Hostway customer service emailed me and said they replicated it with IE but not with Firefox, and they're working on it. Pretty good service for a weekend! Hostway's been good to me.
Posted by: Doug Pratt at March 19, 2006 02:20 PM (ia2zV)
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March 10, 2006
Rocketry Stuff (and a note for Russ)
Because this *is*
Rocket Jones ya know.
I've been talking about "certification" and "Level 2" and such, without ever explaining what that means.
A while back I posted a Beginner's FAQ explaining the hobby rocket motor codes, and another post illustrating the size of some of these motors. You can read it for more detail, but I'll try to explain it here without needing to follow that link.
This all applies to the US. Canada, the UK, and probably other countries have their own variations.
Until recently, if you were younger than age 18 then the largest motor you could fly was a "G" motor (up to about 16lbs of thrust). There were ways around that limit, by having an adult purchase and possess the motor and take responsibility for the flight, even though a minor may have done most of the work. The National Association of Rocketry (NAR) has introduced a program where a youngster can legally fly high power motors, basically by standardizing the "sponsor" requirements.
High power motors are defined as "H" power and above, and you need to make a certification flight to prove that you can construct a safe rocket for the power involved. For Level 1, your flight has to be witnessed by two members of your rocketry organization who are also Level 1. Safely flying and recovering the rocket means you can purchase and use "H" and "I" motors (a little better than 140 lbs of thrust).
Level 2 requires the certification flight, but you also have to pass a written test about organization information, government laws and regulations and general rocketry knowledge. That's the level that I'm working towards, and once I get there I can fly "J", "K" and "L" motors (up to 1,150 lbs of thrust).
The top level right now is Level 3, for "M", "N" and "O" motors (and up I suppose, an "O" produces up to 9,208 lbs of thrust). For this, you're assigned two advisors who already have their Level 3 certification, and you must document the construction process and put together a binder showing details about the rocket and simulations of the expected flight. There are also additional safety requirements at this level. Like the others, you must make a flight and recover the rocket undamaged.
So that's the certification process that I keep babbling about.
Russ, I'd be happy to sign off on your Level 1 flight.
As for the Zinger drag race, well, you're on! Someone once described the Zinger as "arial pornography" and I've got to agree. I thought I had an unbuilt kit somewhere but I can't find it, so send me the specs and fin measurements and I'll have one ready for the next launch.
And since the next launch is on April first, I've got a few fun and/or odd April Fool's rockets that'll be ready to go as well. I'm looking forward to this one!
Posted by: Ted at
05:58 PM | category: Rocketry
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Well,Ted,I was actually instigating,oops,I meant suggesting a
race between I and the kid.However,a duel* with you sounds
enticing.I accept your challenge.After all I've never been
afraid to whoop up on someone my own size.HEHEHE!!!!!Yer
goin' DOWN dude!!!!!
What you'll need to be like totally embarrasssed by me and to
become my own private April fool will be:
A)1/BT-20-7" long
B)3/fins 1/2" wide w/a 2" leading edge a 1 9/16" trailing
edge and a rear sweep of 40 degrees.The trailing edge mounts
flush with the rear of the BT.
C)Nose cone 20N
Had to pull my busted Zinger out of the scrap box for the
measurements since this one appears on niether Ye Old Rockets
or Jimz.These are the specs i'll build mine to.As you know
the Zinger has squared off fin tips.I had thought about
making my next one(this one)with rounded fins in the Estes
Mosquito style.If you wouldn't mind building them with that
one little mod just let me know.I'll understand,however,if
you wanna play purist and all.
Well good luck on your L2 progress.Can't wait to see it.
Oh and BTW I was gonna post something about the 70's but it
got waaaaay out of hand.I'm talking mega post.I actually got
so burnt out on it I had to stop for a bit.Sometime soon I'll
finish it up and find somewhere to post it though.
*Scene from Robin Hood:Men In Tights.
Sherrif:"Sir,I challenge you to a duel" as he slaps Robin
with a glove.

icking up a steel glove,"I accept" as he backhanded
blasts the sherrif across the jaw.
I laugh my ass off every time I think about that.
Posted by: Russ at March 10, 2006 11:54 PM (ObxzR)
Russ, feel free to round your fin tips.
Posted by: Ted at March 11, 2006 02:59 PM (+OVgL)
Will do,Ted.Oh and BTW,thanks for agreeing to witness my L1.
Posted by: Russ at March 11, 2006 04:09 PM (ObxzR)
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March 07, 2006
Launch Report - 3/5/2006
Where: Great Meadow Equestrian Center, The Plains, VA
When: 10am - 4pm
Weather: Winds from 10-20mph
Our rocketry club, NOVAAR, had scheduled a two-day launch event for the weekend, but high winds scrubbed Saturday. Sunday was still quite windy, but we had a great time anyway.
I loaded up the car with some small rockets to fly, but wasn't expecting much because of the wind. When I got to the field I was amazed to see probably 50+ cars there.
I caught up with some friends and talked rockets for awhile, then I headed over to the launch control area to see what was up. On the way I passed a whole gaggle of high schooler's who were there with their Science teacher, prepping egg-lofting rockets. At the table I was drafted into helping do pre-flight safety checks because we were about to get swamped by all those students. I stayed busy for better than an hour, checking rockets, asking questions and making suggestions on things to do differently and/or better in the future.
Besides the egg lofters, there were a few high power flights made, including Mitch's Endevour clone on a J350. His rockets are so reliable that they're almost routine.
A young guy named Ben made a couple of memorable flights with a little orange rocket. By little, I mean about the length of your finger, and he stuffed the largest motor he could fit into this little thing, a C6-5. On the first flight, I watched it zoom nearly out of sight and somehow managed to pick it up on the way down and saw it land. It's too small and light for a chute or streamer, it does what we call tumble recovery. I had a line on it on the ground, and Ben and I walked out there and pretty much right up to it in the middle of the field. Unbelievable, because that combination is almost certain "fire-and-forget".
He did it again later, but lost it. After his family left the launch, Ben's orange rocket reappeared on the lost-and-found table. Someone else found it while looking for their rocket. Ben will be getting it back.
I picked several people's brains for ideas and suggestions for my Level 2 rocket. Then I admired Bart's photo album and stories about his successful Level 3 flight. Bart flew out to Arizona to launch with his brother at an event in the desert. His rocket flew on an "M" motor, weighed 40 lbs at take off and achieved an altitude of 7600 feet. It came down perfectly under chute and Bart now has his Level 3 certification so he can fly with the big big boys.
I did make two flights of my own, both small model rockets.
1. Vampyre - A10-3T - this minimum diameter ring-fin always screams off the pad and gives a great flight. Recovered undamaged on a streamer.
2. Groove Tube - B4-4 - a classic Centuri clone, you could see the wind pushing the rocket sideways as it ascended. It drifted a long way even though I used another streamer instead of a parachute.
Our next club launch is April 1 and 2. There will be contest flying (helicopter, chute, streamer and glider recovery models, plus an altitude event), and as always flying for fun is encouraged. I'm planning to be there both days, and I'll have something high power to fly too.
Y'all are invited.
Posted by: Ted at
04:53 AM | category: Rocketry
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Ted I have to say that I had a pretty good time the other day,too.It sure was great seeing you again.I really like the Flight of the Vampyre.That thing really does scream.Plus,I think I did see that little orange rocket of Ben's.Ted you may not realize it yet but you may have created a monster because I think I have something that can beat that.Or at least I did.I'm refering to my Estes Zinger.Unfortunately it was damaged on the way home from the last launch.Since it's been repaired about a half dozen times I finally decided to scrap it.That's o.k. though because I just picked up a pack of BT-20 tubing from Ken sunday and I do plan on building a new one.I've got a hankerin' for a drag race.
One other thing that I wanna ask you about Ted.Since I now have my NAR dues paid up again,my Forte is rebuilt and my 4'' V-2 is gonna need a minimum H motor I have no reason not to go ahead with my NAR Level 1 cert.Can I count on you to witness for me?It would be most appreciated.
Well before I wrap up this post I wanna say that I'm sorry I tore out without saying so long and all but my sinuses had been messing with me all day anyhow and they finally got to the point where it was just too dambed uncomfortable.When my sinuses start acting up it starts messing with my ears too and my sense of balance usually goes a bit loopy.
All of that besides being sore as hell from the fall I took last Tuesday.I was gonna freak you out on it but I just never got around to it.In a bit of irony the place I fell at is only about two or three minutes away from the launch site in Marshall at my great aunt Viola's house.I took on the job of getting her house cleaned up,cleaned out and ready for sale.In a nutshell I was removing boxes of canning jars from the attic(see where this is going?) and for just a split second I screwed up by not paying attention to a single step.Up until that point I had been very careful to always step on the rafters and not between them.All it took was that one single time.I stepped between the rafters and a millisecond later I was weightless and headed down through the ceiling FAST.Of course of all the places to land at I had to pick the edge of the bathtub.Well the back of my leg did anyhow.The rest of me hit the floor right beside it,luckily.Long story short it hurt......a lot!Right now my entire back of my right leg is solid black from my knee to my lower back.My right buttcheek caught the rafter on the way down and now has another buttcheek growing off of it.Needless to say I used to enjoy sitting but now I don't.Besides all of that a good sized bruise on my left kidney and possibly a broken lower right rib is all of the damage done.
Believe it or not I can actually laugh about it.Hell,I laughed right after it happened.The only time I didn't laugh was when It came time to get out of bed the next morning.Now THAT was painful!Why do I have an itch to watch The Money Pit?I'll holler at ya again it your 70's post.
Posted by: Russ at March 07, 2006 01:44 PM (ObxzR)
Something I forgot:
Here is the address to Excelsior Rocketry.Fred Talasco(Astron Boy)is the owner.Something I should mention is that Fred is a traveling insurance adjustor and so it sometimes takes him a bit to get to doing stuff so be patient.That should be the only beef with him at all.
Posted by: Russ at March 07, 2006 01:53 PM (ObxzR)
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