May 18, 2004

Practice your innocent look first

Have some fun with this site where you can create fake newspaper stories about your favorite (or not-so-favorite) people.

(work sensitive)

Posted by: Ted at 08:23 AM | category: Links
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Amateur Rocket Carrying Ham Radio Payload Reaches Space

The CSXT team is not competing for the X-Prize, but they've managed to reach space on their third attempt.

Posted by: Ted at 12:55 AM | category: Rocketry
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May 17, 2004

Calling Iron Chef Klendathu

What the hell is wrong with people?!?!?!?

Cicada's are crawling out of the ground after 17 years and everywhere you look these nitwits are talking about eating them!

Recipes are printed in the newspaper, the newscasts are full of happy freaks chowing down on the insects, even the radio on the way home talked about chocolate chip cicada cookies. "First you pull off their heads and legs, then you dry roast them..." *gag*

Be honest now, March was National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, did y'all have a sudden hankerin' for chitlins?

Posted by: Ted at 04:17 PM | category: Square Pegs
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Virtual target practice

Thanks to Wince and Nod for the pointer to this online shooting range. Learn how to line up various kinds of sights on pistols and rifles. Lots of fun and edjumuhcationable too!

Posted by: Ted at 02:30 PM | category: Links
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Lessons learned and lessons taught

America learned once again, thanks to Abu Ghuraib, that our freedoms are a two-edged sword, especially when trying to instill our overreaching principles on another people.

For all the breast-beating and second-guessing that we're hearing, I'm still proud of the USA, precisely because of what happened at Abu Ghuraib.

The humiliations inflicted on the prisoners were wrong, but that is a small (albeit important) part of the story. A soldier knew that it was wrong, and reported it to his chain of command. The military immediately began an investigation. The people identified in the investigations are being brought up on charges. The media was informed of the investigation at the very beginning, by the military itself.

America proved to the world that not only do we talk the talk, but we walk the walk. We've given the whole world a lesson in American-style freedom, and it is being noticed and talked about.

From BlackFive:

Iraqi media, almost unbelievably, have in recent days begun to editorialized astonishment at how the United States has responded. No covers ups. No denials. The President of the United States, the world's most powerful man, formally apologized to the people of Iraq. The U.S. Congress grilled a senior member of the Administration and all the while the U.S. media was allowed to report on the unfolding story with full freedom and access. "Why does Arab media fail at self criticism and why can't Arab human rights NGOs pressure Arab governments the way their counterparts do in America?", asked the host of satellite news channel al-Arabiy's (one of the harshest critics of the United States) "Spotlight" news program. The follow up commentary was even more astounding, given the source. "The Americans exposed their own scandal, queried the officials and got the American Government to accept responsibility for the actions of its soldiers," stated the host before asking her guests why this sort of open and responsive action isn't taken in the Arab world.

There's lots more, all worth reading.

Posted by: Ted at 11:48 AM | category: Square Pegs
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Shoe porn

Not quite as dirty as it sounds, but still not safe for work.

Posted by: Ted at 05:30 AM | category: Links
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Altruism *is* self-interest

What's in it for me?

It's a crass way of defining the motivations of man. All mankind. Every last one. Even people like Mother Theresa operate from the same basic principles, although one might put it more delicately.

Helping someone 'from the goodness in your heart' means you do it because it makes you feel good inside, or it satisfies your code of ethics. Or maybe you do it because God tells you to, in which case your 'reward' is spiritual, but it is there. Even self-sacrifice boils down to the same base motivations.

Nobody does anything unless their self-interested needs are met somehow.

(this is what passes for rigorous thought in my fluffy little world, now where's my puppy...)

Posted by: Ted at 05:06 AM | category: Square Pegs
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May 16, 2004

Nifty historical links

Courtesty of The Massive Whinger, who's trackbacks are blocked and won't work.

Castles of Britain.

Churches of Britain.

Military history.

Prelude to D-Day, 1944.

The Battle of Monte Cassino (WW II).

Posted by: Ted at 06:29 PM | category: Links
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I have one, and if you do I'd like to hear it. Leave it in the comments.

Pink or Avril Levigne?

Update: So far, the vote is Pink: 5 Avril: 1, although Norah Jones did get a write-in vote. We also got two "who?", including Lynn who points out that Avril sounds like the name of one of those new drugs on the market.

Posted by: Ted at 05:07 PM | category: Square Pegs
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Online Space Related Resources

NASA History Series Publications On-Line. A whole heap o' historical documents available, including some very interesting online books about various NASA facilities (Ames, Marshall and Johnson research centers), projects (Skylab, Mariner, etc) and other aspects such as space medicine and planetary research. This is a wonderful resource for anyone interested in space and the space program.

Be sure to check out A Meeting With The Universe: Science Discoveries from the Space Program. This book has beautiful illustrations and photographs and is designed for the non-technical reader.

Also, there's an amazing history of America's "moon" rocket - the Saturn booster, which includes not just what actually came to be, but also the earliest concepts and plans as well as what might have been had we continued development of that family of rockets.

Of course there are little gems for rocket nuts like yours truly too, like this publication entitled: NASA SOUNDING ROCKETS, 1958-1968 - A Historical Summary. Bliss!

Posted by: Ted at 08:05 AM | category: Space Program
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For pete's sake people, if you're looking for partners to have cyber-sex on the internet, at least use some ordinary common sense and protect yourself.

(in the extended entry) more...

Posted by: Ted at 06:48 AM | category: Square Pegs
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May 15, 2004

Rocket Launch

I've been under the weather since wednesday, but today I'm headed out for a club rocket launch. The day is supposed to be beautiful, with possible thunderstorms rolling through tonight.

Enjoy your day, I'm going to enjoy mine.

Posted by: Ted at 07:17 AM | category: Square Pegs
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In space, no one can hear you say stupid things

I got this comment to one of my space posts a while back, and had put it aside to respond to later. I forgot about it. Naturally, the return email was bogus, but the sentiments contained within are worth looking at again.

I believe that there should be one global space program (to help it move along quicker) However, it should be noted that if any country needs a space program, it's China.

When one and one half billion people live in an area the size of the US, and when they have to commit genocide against the Tibetans in order to resettle the Han population, I say it's about time to resettle the same Han Population onto the Moon.

Not only China, but also India, Bangladesh, Madagascar, the United States etc need to resettle their collective populaces outside the Earth for the sake of environmental recovery.

People need to settle on the Moon etc As Soon As is Possible. There are way too many people on the Earth and for each person born (especially to the wealthy) our resources are strained more and more and our environment is further decimated. It would be best if ALL the people on planet Earth left for space, save for a few indigenous peoples. That would give the Earth time to repair it's self.

Eventually all the cities towns and villages lying along the great coastal plains will have to build protective domes around them (as the ice caps melt and sea levels rise). The Space program may very well supply this technology.

The given link [here ya go - RJ] shows all the eco-regions and how, why, and to what extent they are being threatened.

Oh man, where to begin...

Posted by: Ted at 06:14 AM | category: Square Pegs
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May 14, 2004

Edge of space

Burt Rutan and his team are right on the edge of claiming the X-Prize. Read about their latest successful test flight.

Posted by: Ted at 02:04 PM | category: Space Program
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Movie Review: Happiness of the Katakuris

Japanese. Horror. Subtitled. Musical. Schizophrenic. Fun. Thriller. Stupid. Subtle. Disjointed. Hilarious. Crude. Original. Sweet. Surreal.

Wow, this one is impossible to describe. It's all of the above, and more. Imagine watching the shower scene from Psycho, and immediately afterwards the police show up and the investigation is conducted as a musical number from Saturday Night Fever. It makes even less sense than that, but damn, it's odd fun.

Did you enjoy Clerks? Fargo? Godzilla? North by Northwest? Gumby? The Sound of Music?

I saw it on the Sundance Channel. Check your local cable or satellite listings, or according to IMDB reviews, it's also available at some Blockbuster Video stores.

If you like things a lot off the wall, you'll probably enjoy this movie. Or not. Hell, I have no idea. All I know is that *I* loved it.

Did I mention the zombies?

Posted by: Ted at 07:07 AM | category: Cult Flicks
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Estes releases X-prize model rockets

Crap. I'm going to have to get all eight of these. Yep, darn.

Ye Olde Rocket Shoppe has details and pictures of the announcement advertising.

Looks like Estes is also coming out with a couple of rocket gliders, a new version of their camera rocket, and a rocket that takes in-flight digital movies.

Posted by: Ted at 01:48 AM | category: Rocketry
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Damn, this war is expensive!

Time for some creative thinking!

Contact your local PTA's and volunteer to head up fundraising efforts for Uncle Sam. Picture the little patriots standing out in front of the local supermarket, holding a "Pennies for Cruise Missiles" drive.

Or for organizations, how about a "Sponsor A Bomb" program? For your donation, you get pictures showing your organization's name and logo on the bomb, along with the crew who're going to load it onto the aircraft and the pilot who drops it. You also get before and after photos of the target taken out by "your" bomb, and if it's a smart bomb you get a tape with the actual video feed as it reaches out and touches someone. Up close and personal, as they say.

I know, I can hear you saying that you already pay for all those things with your tax dollars, and you're absolutely correct. Think of this as a way to direct your bucks towards something specific. Ever hear someone complain that if they could, they'd make sure their money wasn't being used for [insert whatever here]? Same idea, turned 180 degrees.

Another thought. Why isn't PETA sending doggie-flak vests to our K-9 compadres? Here's an angle that may persuade them: for every military working dog that survives, the chances are that he'll point out more humans that will be killed! Safer dogs and less people! Win - win, eh?

Come to think of it, the tree-huggers outta be thrilled with that too.

There are untapped resources out there. We just need to give until it hurts them.

Posted by: Ted at 01:28 AM | category: Square Pegs
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May 13, 2004

Operation Smile

Another worthy cause. Read the story and if you can, please lend a hand.

Posted by: Ted at 07:31 PM | category: Links
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Mark left the following in the comments a few days ago.

1998 saw a new wave of expansion of the NHL. Nashville was selected as one of the new cities. Native Tennesseans don't grow up with hockey (period). We learn the basics of Basketball, baseball, and Football. We tend to tolerate basketball/baseball until football comes back. Hockey vocabulary isn't taught/supported in the home.
I have been a Predator fan since I saw the inagural game back in 1998. I have looked at hockey as outsider for the last six years and have come to understand a few things. I understand that Hockey suffers from a lack of funding that might see a lockout/strike next year. Hockey needs an increase in Television revenue and that will only happen when the networks increase the "newbie" factor in the broadcast commentary. Hockey rules/strategy is not basic to most of American Culture like it is around the "orginal six" cities.
Along those same line, Hockey vocabulary needs to be explained to those who don't know what biscit, top shelf, five hole, or a blue line is. Somethings aren't as aparent like the difference between a wrist or slap shot. Then there are the more obscured, but vital words like a checking line. In this age of instant information the "orgianal six" tend to ignore the obvious that they have developed a language all of their own.
The second thing that the broadcasters need to improve upon is the number of cameras covering the game. How many times durring an NFL or NASCAR event that there wasn't a camera angle avilable to show fowl/accident/excitment? Why is it extreamely better to go see a live hockey game than a Televised game? There are disparities between the two that need to be adressed before the NHL will compete effectively with the NHL.
I would have thought that the fans of the "original six" would seek to convert anyone into a fan instead of this elitist mentality that only they should have hockey. I will be bitterly disappointed if there isn't hockey next season because the elitist have propagated the phrase "watered down hockey" to the point that not even the die-hard fans watch anymore. -- Mark

This guy makes so much sense he should be hired by the NHL to market the league.

To their credit, hockey started a series of televised games called "NHL Rules" where they explain what's going on during the course of the game. When icing is called, you get a quick explanation of what it is and what happens next. Two line pass? Same deal, an on-the-fly explanation, sometimes with a diagram to help explain the concepts. Unfortunately, hockey isn't televised all that much in the US unless you live near one of the teams, and the local teams don't do "NHL Rules", it's a national thing.

The league also does celebrity commercials - little quickies where they go over the slang and bits about how things work. Shania Twain does a couple, as do Jim Belushi and Keifer Sutherland and others. But again, they show these during hockey games, when many of the people watching are already at least somewhat familiar with the rules. They need a generic version to play during NASCAR races and NBA games and reruns of Friends.

Speaking of, the NHL is where NASCAR languished for years. People think hockey means fighting, like auto racing used to mean crashing. The league needs to play up the athletic angles without taking away from the crunch. The hitting in hockey is as intense as pro football, the sustained pace of the game can be compared to NASCAR, and the grace and moves of the players rivals basketball. The downside is the lack of scoring which might make viewers think of soccer, except that soccer doesn't have nearly the number of shots attempted. In addition, the NHL is implementing some rule changes to goalie equipment that should make scoring a little easier.

I learned most of my hockey knowlege from watching live games, and having the season-ticket holders sitting nearby explain things to me. I saw the same half dozen people time after time, and they were great people.

As for extra cameras, I'd settle for better placement. In some arenas in the NHL, the cameras are so badly located that the glare from the ice washes out the action. Or they're placed so high up that it's like watching from the upper deck.

Robert Heinlein once said something like "The answer to most any question is 'money'" (yeah, I butchered that quote). The NHL is trying to survive in markets that aren't intuitive. This year could see a Stanley Cup final between the traditional hockey hotbeds of Tampa Bay, Florida and San Jose, California (hope springs eternal). In the meantime, competition for players has driven salaries up like in every other sport, which in turn has driven ticket prices up. I don't see many live hockey games anymore, because it's just too damn expensive. I wish we had a minor league team closer - I think Atlantic City or Wilkes-Barre are the closest, and both of those are several hours away.

Cap the salaries guys, and if you lose a few stellar European players who decide to stay home, I can live with that.

Face shields should be mandatory. Who wins when a star takes a puck to the face and is knocked out for weeks (Roenick) or even forever (Chelios)?

Market the game, market the rivalries, market the stars - in that order. In fact, there should be a whole lot more emphasis placed on the history of hockey. Everyone knows what the Stanley Cup looks like, even non-hockey fans. Do you know what the World Series trophy looks like? How about the Super Bowl trophy? Hell, the Super Bowl team rings get more attention than the trophy. But the Stanley Cup is like everyman's trophy. It's the perfect link to the history of the game. Use it!

Posted by: Ted at 11:31 AM | category:
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R Crumb site

Some representative samples from the artist (not safe for work). Even if you don't recognize the name, you may know the work. He did the cover of Cheap Thrills by Janis Joplin's Big Brother & the Holding Company.

Posted by: Ted at 06:15 AM | category: Links
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