January 27, 2006
Tagged, I'm It
Meme of Fours. It finally found me, via
Cat (who is one of
three Virginia bloggers that I know using that name (he said, to explain the apparent confusion)).
Four Jobs That I've Had:
1. Games Barker at an amusement park
2. Security Police guarding nuclear weapons
3. Bartender
4. Tupperware Lady
Four Movies I can watch over and over again:
1. Father Goose
2. King Ralph
3. The Incredibles
4. Guarding Tess, Airheads, The Mummy (original or remake), Twister...
Four T.V. Shows I love to watch: (I'm not a TV fan)
1. Hockey
2. Football
3. History Channel
Four Website's I read Daily (I'll keep it to blogs):
1. QandO
2. Two Nervous Dogs
3. Dustbury
4. Dawn's Place (and much of the rest of the blogroll)
Four Places I've Been on Vacation:
1. Brussels, Belgium
2. Luxembourg, Luxembourg
3. Winnepeg, Canada
4. Good Thunder, Minnesota
Four Favorite Foods:
1. Cheese
2. Pork
3. Mexican anything
4. Soup
Four places IÂ’d rather be:
1. Anyplace but the DC metro area
No tags, if you wanna run with it, go for it
Posted by: Ted at
11:43 AM | category: About Ted
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If you mixed up your jobs, it could have been fun:
Four Jobs That I've Had:
1. Tupperware Barker at an amusement park
2. Bartender guarding nuclear Lady
3. Games Security
4. Weapons Police
Posted by: buckethead at January 31, 2006 10:57 AM (ztNrs)
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January 21, 2006
Chip off the ol' headstone-shaped block
Mookie sent a link to me, with the following note:
I think these are so awesome and would make a great coffee table... especially the child ones.
Here's what she's talking about.
Posted by: Ted at
10:02 AM | category: Links
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When a friend's mom was in hospice nurse training she had a class project to build a coffin. She uses it to store sweaters now, but for awhile it was a coffee table in the family room.
Posted by: nic at January 21, 2006 03:01 PM (l+W8Z)
A tisket, a tasket,
A green and yellow casket...
Posted by: triticale at January 22, 2006 07:13 PM (BB1Rq)
wow, that's so morbid it even made me slightly sad.
and that's saying something.
Though I always wanted to buy a hearse and then wire up a casket with some 12s and an amp and go around blaring some funeral dirge.
Posted by: Derek at January 23, 2006 11:31 AM (FloaD)
Ted...Derek....Y'all need the official KISS casket.Seriously!
Posted by: Russ at January 24, 2006 11:41 AM (ObxzR)
Forgot the link address:
Posted by: Russ at January 24, 2006 11:43 AM (ObxzR)
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January 13, 2006
Congrats are in order
I've been reading Blogeline for a couple of years now, and I'm proud to announce that on Thursday
she became a US citizen!
Go on over and leave her a message. And for the locals who're going to be at February 4th's get-together, she's planning on attending as well! It's shaping up to be a great party.
Posted by: Ted at
10:25 PM | category: Links
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Congrats to her and Congrats to you on such a fashionable & fun logo. I normally have gifs off on my pda so when I visited you today via pc I noticed the logo... Cool!
Posted by: Michele at January 15, 2006 12:50 PM (beN4P)
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January 07, 2006
Since we can't walk on water
Except for that one notable exception, that is.
Over at Hold the Mayo, Stephen links to the Whitbread Round the World sailboat race, renamed this year for corporate sponsorship like everything else these days. He's got a bunch of great links and a cool map of the course, which takes months to complete. Here's his description of one leg of the race:
Southern Ocean Here we come again! Iceberg dodging, gale riding, wave surfing, freezing cold, scary, knackering, frightening but FUN. (Yes for some the idea of surfing down a wave in a 70 foot boat in gale force winds while on the lookout for icebergs is considered fun.)
I crewed on a sailboat once. In calm weather. For fun. I have absolutely no idea what it would be like to do what these adventurers do. So I can visit their sites and read, because some of them are posting their daily logs and even video of the race.
Meanwhile, over on the other side of the country, PJ Swenson of Sharkspage gives the heads up on the 2006 Mavericks Surf Contest.
The Mavericks Surf Contest brings together 24 of the world's best big-wave surfers on just 24 hours' notice – between January 1 and March 31, 2006.
When the big waves arrive, the notice goes out and the surfers have to be there and ready to compete 24 hours later. These are serious surfers.
When Mavericks roared through Half Moon Bay last March, 30,000 spectators and two million television viewers in 70 countries watched the best big-wave riders on the planet conquer waves that crested at nearly 50 feet in frigid waters with dangerous currents, jagged rocks and the ever-present threat of the Great White Shark.
That ain't hype either. Check out PJ's page for more links and info.
Like Steve Miller said, "Everything's better when wet".
Posted by: Ted at
08:56 AM | category: Links
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Actually this is the second time it had been called the Volvo. And it was always corporately
Posted by: Stephen Macklin at January 07, 2006 11:21 AM (DdRjH)
Got out of town on a boat
Goin' to Southern islands.
Sailing a reach
Before a followin' sea.
She was makin' for the trades
On the outside,
And the downhill run
To Papeete.
Off the wind on this heading
Lie the Marquesas.
We got eighty feet of the waterline.
Nicely making way.
Posted by: Russ at January 08, 2006 11:20 AM (ObxzR)
Posted by: Russ at January 08, 2006 11:22 AM (ObxzR)
One way to get into the darker side of the adventure is to read the excellent autobiographical tale
Adrift: Seventy-six Days Lost at Sea, by Steven Callahan.
Posted by: chris hall at January 09, 2006 04:43 PM (laRRX)
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January 06, 2006
Maybe you've heard about this one
My buddy Russ sent this link:
Everything you see really happened in real time, exactly as you see it. The film required 606 takes. On the first 605 takes, something, usually very minor, didn't work. They would then have to set the whole thing up again.
Really, go see for yourself. It's absolutely amazing. Two minutes of pure genius.
Honda Accord Commercial.
(in the extended entry is the full text that Russ included, but seriously, follow that link first)
Posted by: Ted at
06:32 PM | category: Links
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I first saw that about a year and a half ago. Good to see it again!
Posted by: Tuning Spork at January 06, 2006 09:08 PM (9DrKw)
I saw it some time back--it'll stay tops on my list of Most Loved Commercials for the rest of my life, no doubt! (Right up there with the superglue commercial featuring a procession of nuns and a cherub whose...um, well, "smallest limb" had broken off...) What an incredible piece of advertizing!
Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at January 07, 2006 01:47 AM (TQCaN)
I had seen it before, but thought it was computer graphics.
I bet the guys making the commercial were glad when they finally got a clean take.
Posted by: owlish at January 07, 2006 11:57 AM (GDqxH)
Hey,Ted!Glad you liked it.I knew you would.Never gave much thought about how it stood on my "list" until now.Pretty high up though.Ironically another one of my all time fave commercials was an old Honda commercial....I think.That is if memory serves me well.I believe it was for that funky rear/front wheel steering combo that they where trying to push several years ago.Basically two cars are hauling ass beside each other with a bit over their own widths between them.Another car is hauling towards them from the opposite direction.Head on in other words.At the last possible second the lone car pulls a wicked stunt move by jamming on the brakes,spinning around 180 and threading the needle backwards between the other two cars at about 80 or so with only about 6 inches to spare on either side.After passing between the other cars the stunt fool spins the center car right back around and continues on just like it never happened.The whole thing covered about two or three seconds max and was way too smooth.Some awesome driving on someones part.
Ironically there's another Honda commercial that I'm kinda mixed about.That's the new Odessey commercial with all of the way cool old custom vans.The part I didn't like is that they actually have the gall to compare their lame assed mini crapper with those awesome pieces of automotive artwork.Who the fuck are they foolin'?Nobody!Now the part that I did like is that all of those old vans where Dodges,every one of them.Comparing yer rice rocket to fine auto art is one thing but comparing it to rad Mopar muscle is a real stretch.Perhaps they're still pissed about getting their asses beat so badly in the old North American Touring Car series?I vote for them returning the Odessey back to it's roots and giving up.For all of you youngsters y'all can read "roots" as dune buggy.Still don't remember?Ask yer parents what it means.
Posted by: Russ at January 08, 2006 11:14 AM (ObxzR)
Wow! I hadn't seen that before... brilliant!
Posted by: BLUE at January 09, 2006 01:00 PM (hDMsP)
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January 03, 2006
Good on 'em!
Rhode Island Legalizes Medical Marijuana.
This makes me happy for two reasons. First, because there are demonstrated benefits to some cancer, glaucoma and AIDS patients from smoking marijuana.
Second, because it's an always-welcomed poke in Uncle Sam's eye when a state asserts its rights over the federal system. The correct answer is almost never "more government involvement".
Posted by: Ted at
04:39 PM | category: Links
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Or to quote Ronald Reagan regarding the most frightening thing you could hear "I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Posted by: Stephen Macklin at January 03, 2006 06:11 PM (DdRjH)
Works great for Job Related Stress Disorder too...
Posted by: triticale at January 06, 2006 01:11 AM (5k/sM)
There is also some interest in marijuana for control of diabetes and asthma.
The real fun will come when some state elects a governor with
cluster headaches.
Posted by: triticale at January 06, 2006 01:41 AM (5k/sM)
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January 01, 2006
Heh, she said Balls
Over at Caterwauling, Dawn has assembled a spherical feast for the
Carnival of the Recipes. I love these carnivals, and this edition features even more "must try"'s than the usual.
So head on over, because it's not like you're going to actually keep those resolutions, right?
Posted by: Ted at
07:50 PM | category: Recipes
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More balls than you can shake a (high) stick at!

Thanks for promoting it! I need to try those chocolate eggnog balls next. This is why I don't implement any new year's resolutions till February.
Posted by: dawn at January 02, 2006 04:13 PM (Dh1V0)
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Because I'm a traditional kind of guy
C'mon, you know it's true, Chuck Norris Jokes are a
New Year's Tradition!
My favorites:
Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
As a teen Chuck Norris impregnated every nun in a convent tucked away in the hills of Tuscany. Nine months later the nuns gave birth to the 1972 Miami Dolphins, the only undefeated and untied team in professional football history.
What, you got something against tradition?
Posted by: Ted at
01:15 AM | category: Links
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Post contains 97 words, total size 1 kb.
Posted by: Stephen Macklin at January 01, 2006 07:46 AM (DdRjH)
I'm sure you've heard this one, but I digs it:
Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer.
Too bad he's never cried.
Posted by: BLUE at January 09, 2006 01:03 PM (hDMsP)
Oops... hehehe... I guess I should have visited the link *before* commenting... that was right at the top of the list.
Sorry about that.
Posted by: BLUE at January 09, 2006 01:06 PM (hDMsP)
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